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InCommon Fun Facts – June 2020

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June 16, 2020

New InCommon Participants

As of June 12, 2020, InCommon had 1,014 participants. Here are the new participants in May and June:

Higher Education

  • Granite State College

Research Organization

  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

Sponsored Partners

  • Fitch Solutions
  • Flywheel Exchange
  • Metactix
  • PPD Development

InCommon Federation

The InCommon Federation has 566 identity providers registered, along with 5,153 services. Worldwide, eduGAIN (the collaboration of global federations) has 3,782 identity providers and 6,762 services registered. 

InCommon Certificate Service Subscribers

As of June 12, 2020, 475 organizations subscribe to the InCommon Certificate Service. New subscribers in May and June include:

  • Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
  • Pima County Community College
  • Reed College
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • University of Kansas

Research & Scholarship Category (R&S)

The R&S Category includes service providers that support research and scholarly activities such as virtual organizations and campus-based collaboration services. Participating Identity Providers agree to release a small set of attributes to the category. See the list. As of June 12 there are:

  • 148 Service Providers in the category
  • 170 Identity Providers supporting the international REFEDS R&S category

Governance and Advisory