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March 18, 2020
New InCommon Participants
As of March 16, 2020, InCommon had 1,012 participants. Here are the new participants since the last update in February 2020:
Higher Education
Middlebury College
InCommon Certificate Service Subscribers
As of March 16, 2020, 471 organizations subscribe to the InCommon Certificate Service. Here are the new subscribers since the last update in February 2020:
Middlebury College
Research & Scholarship Category (R&S)
The R&S Category includes service providers that support research and scholarly activities such as virtual organizations and campus-based collaboration services. Participating Identity Providers agree to release a small set of attributes to the category. See the list. As of February 11 there are:
- 141 Service Providers in the category
- 130 Identity Providers supporting the international REFEDS R&S category
- 77 Identity Providers in the legacy InCommon-only category (releasing attributes only to SPs registered by InCommon)
SIRTFI (Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity
There are 107 InCommon identity providers that have declared compliance with SIRTFI (Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity). Compliance means agreeing to a baseline set of security practices and including a security contact in metadata. Since security contacts are required in metadata, Identity Providers are encouraged to take the extra step and self-assert SIRTFI.
Governance and Advisory
- InCommon Steering Committee minutes
- InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) minutes
- InCommon Community Trust and Assurance Board minutes
- InCommon Working Groups Home
- Propose an IAM Online topic