Join InCommon
Two people talking to each other over their laptops.

It’s Better than a Meeting.
It’s CAMP.

Learning and exploration opportunities in identity and access managment

BaseCAMP serves those new to identity and access management (IAM) and InCommon. CAMP Week is all about sharing case studies of what’s working and learning about what’s next.

Camp meeting participants


BaseCAMP provides a workshop for those new to identity and access management (IAM), new to InCommon, or both. The workshop focuses on the basics of identity and access management, an introduction to the InCommon Federation, and overviews and demonstrations of the community-developed identity and access management suite, the InCommon Trusted Access Platform.
Thank you for joining us for the 2024 InCommon BaseCAMP, held June 3 – 7.

ACAMP Agenda Setting


CAMP Week features both curated and crowd-sourced content developed by IAM professionals for their peers in the field. Join us in Boston, December 9 – 12, for CAMP Week during TechEX24.

The CAMP series focuses on issues relating to identity and access management. The meetings help to promote effective campus identity practices, and to educate higher education institutions about how to participate in a national and growing international trust infrastucture.