Collaboration Success Program Benefits, Schedule, and Phases
Program Benefits
The Collaboration Success Program (CSP) provides a cost-effective solution for identity and access management, including these benefits:
- Priority access to advisors and community implementers when you need it
- Tailored recommendations based on an IAM assessment
- Virtual planning workshops with InCommon Trusted Access Platform developers and community experts
- Hosted workbench model to test drive your system
- Pre-recorded BaseCAMP content for your entire team ($550 per person value)
- Two BaseCAMP “live” registrations
- Eight registrations for the InCommon Academy training portfolio ($16,000 value)
- Discounts on training registrations beyond eight seats ($500 discount per seat)
- Discounts to other InCommon Academy workshops
- A peer network to work together to solve problems (priceless)
- A jumpstart for your Identity and Access Management goals
The CSP’s modular approach allows you to pick and choose the right tools to support your training and planning efforts, ensuring that you’ll hit the ground running when it’s time to start implementing. Here is the program’s timeline and steps.
Expression of interest: April – July
- Complete a brief questionnaire to share your plans
- Talk with us about the program
Kickoff: August
- Meet your peers and program alumni in Slack
- Attend a kickoff meeting with experts to learn about the InCommon Trusted Access Program and how it could work for you
- Start to plan your project
Prepare: October – December
- Prepare by attending training workshops and community events
- Join bi-weekly CSP labs for training opportunities, alumni case studies, and more
- Build and groom project plans with guidance from an IAM assessment
Prototype: October
Get your hands dirty in a workbench made up of the InCommon Trusted Acess Platform components
Collaborate: January – May
- Connect with your peers and experts through bi-weekly office hours
- Attend additional training workshops
Wrap up and share: May
Share your experiences with the community
Learn more about the CSP discovery phase and prototype and related plans. Want more detailed information? Learn about the 2023-2024 program phases by downloading the phases chart!
Phase 1: Discovery
- Join the CSP Slack channels to collaborate with and get advice from program staff, other participants, alumni, software developers, and community implementers
- Attend a half-day virtual kickoff meeting to share your organization’s goals and meet the experts
- Access project planning templates and self-paced, introductory IAM content from BaseCAMP
- Leverage an expansive training experience, including eight workshop registrations good for any InCommon Academy training classes and component overviews with question-and-answer opportunities
- Join exclusive bi-weekly CSP labs. Sample topics include a DevOps overview, container deployment and operational strategies, and demonstrations of InCommon solutions from our program alumni
You’ll leave the Discovery Phase with a better idea of next steps, how others are using the InCommon Trusted Access Platform, and in-depth knowledge of your chosen software components.
Phase 2: Prototype and Plan
Prototype and Plan Phase During the Prototype and Plan Phase, you will:
- Attend a virtual workshop to review your discovery process and prototype your ideas
- Continue to learn about the InCommon Trusted Access Platform components
- Prototype your plan for the Trusted Access Platform components through a sandbox model (and build your own!)
- Use the balance of your eight training credits
- Attend regularly scheduled open office hours with developers and InCommon faculty for each of the software components
- Access dedicated Slack channels with developers and experts to answer your questions
- Work with program staff to make connections with other organizations engaged in projects like yours