Take it from your peers. Serving on InCommon Advisory Committees is beneficial personally and professionally.
“The InCommon community is something special. It is inclusive and collaborative, makes hard work fun,and imparts deep knowledge of trust and identity. Being a member of an InCommon Advisory Committee is to be highly sought after.”
—Janemarie Duh, Identity Architect, Lafayette College (currently at the University of Delaware)
“Volunteering with InCommon working and advisory groups has really helped me to grow, both personally and professionally. If you’d told me 12 years ago that I’d be chairing the TAC, I’d have said you were crazy. The challenge helps me to grow in leadership, learn lots of really useful technical bits, and feel the excitement of contributing to an organization that helps amazing people and amazing institutions do amazing things. I’ve learned so much about myself and about participating and leading. I’ve also had a chance to give back to something so much bigger than any individual or even any participating organization.”
—Keith Wessel, Principal Identity and Access Management Specialist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“I really benefited from the exposure to the identity management needs and concerns of other organizations and sectors of higher ed. I learned about a lot of new tools and resources, which helped me provide better service to the research community, and I met a lot of interesting people during the process.”
—Josh Drake, Cybersec Working at Indiana University for Cybersecurity Research
“I’ve been able to work with great people from other institutions who usually have better ideas than I do – at least until I make them mine too. Working with others in InCommon is a welcome shift away from break-fix and other pressing and mundane day-to-day work and keeps my perspective appropriately focused on fundamentals and longer term goals.”
—David Bantz, IAM – University of Alaska