By Netta Caligari, InCommon Community Success Manager
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
The TechEX22 Call for Proposals is officially underway and will remain open until May 6, 2022. And you know what that means for identity and access management professionals? It’s time to go CAMPing!
We invite you to submit an idea for a session and collaborate with peers through the Identity and Access Management (IAM) track, also known as Campus Architecture and Middleware Planning (CAMP) Week! The world is changing, and how we approach IAM is evolving with it. We are actively seeking folks with IAM experience to deliver thought-provoking, informative presentations to our community.
The CAMP Week Planning Committee has been hard at work laying the foundation for an insightful and engaging program, but we need your contributions to bring it all together. Don’t wait! Submit your proposal today.

Joanne Boomer, information security and access manager at the University of Missouri and one of your 2022 CAMP Week co-chair, looks forward to seeing this year’s proposal submissions. “Proposals from our community members allow ideas and solutions to issues that affect all of us to be shared with the entire community,” she said. “Everyone may be in different stages of problem-solving or implementation and can benefit from these presentations.”

Mike Hays, associate director of identity and access management at the University of Delaware and your other 2022 program co-chair, echoed these sentiments. “Community engagement is a very important tool in your arsenal. All the higher ed and research institutions, as well as companies that interact with those communities, are all facing the same challenges and looking to solve the same problems,” he observed. “All of us working together for common solutions makes all of us better. Having your voice be heard in CAMP will help nurture relationships with other like-minded places and people and put you in the best position to succeed in your current role.”
As Joanne noted, there really is no place like CAMP: “Sharing information, your experiences, or just telling your story helps further community understanding and collaboration and is a large part of what makes CAMP unique!”
Below are some suggested themes to help you start thinking about your proposal, but we welcome all related topics — especially those that address what differentiates us from other communities. We look forward to reviewing your submission.
Suggested proposal themes