Don’t miss this event – workshop atmosphere with experienced leaders
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Have a few tough questions relating to access management? Want to find out how your friends at other organizations are solving them? Want a crash course in InCommon Federation or open-source identity and access management software?
InCommon BaseCAMP (August 13-15, 2019, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) will use a workshop atmosphere to answer those questions. We have an experienced faculty of community members that will answer your questions and share solutions that work. Here are some highlights
- Identity Management in 1.75 Hours – Tom Jordan, the identity and access management lead architect at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and also one of the key architects of the InCommon Trusted Access Platform software.
- Federation is a Team Sport – When everyone does their part, all of our users – that is faculty, staff, and students – are the winners. Speakers will include Steve Barnet from the IceCube project (, longtime community leader Tom Barton (University of Chicago), and Rachana Ananthakrishnan from Globus.
- Minds On! Sessions to cover key concepts and hands-on issues: outsourcing your identity provider (user experience expert Mary McKee from Duke), Packaged Shibboleth software (Paul Caskey, longtime Shibboleth instructor), and how CILogon can benefit you and your researchers (Jim Basney, National Center for Supercomputing Applications research scientist and operator of CILogon, an IAM platform serving the sciences).
- Solutions Salon – Exploring solutions to key issues facing IAM, including Guest Systems, Onboarding, Managing Access, and creating a Collaboration Infrastructure
- Operations Salon – How solutions are implemented, including Grouper with Chris Hyzer, (University of Pennsylvania and lead Grouper architect), DevOps with Dave Shafer, (DevOps manager at Internet2/InCommon), Registries with Keith Hazelton, (longtime technical architect at University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Operating in the Cloud.
Other faculty members on-hand will include:
- Jessica Coltrin, Internet2
- Chris Spadanuda, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Scott Koranda, Spherical Cow Group
- Albert Wu, InCommon Federation Manager
- Nick Roy, technical strategy lead at InCommon
Visit the Internet2 meetings website for more information about InCommon BaseCAMP, including a detailed program and registration.