By Apryl Motley, CAE, Communications Lead, InCommon

Joining us in the tent again this year at InCommon BaseCAMP will be Chad Redman, systems programmer/specialist at the University of North Carolina. He will facilitate a session on Access and Grouping that he describes as providing “foundational information” for people not familiar with Grouper or those about to implement it.
During his six years at UNC, Chad has learned a thing or two about Grouper. “It was implemented before I got here,” he explained, “so part of my involvement with learning more about Grouper was because we needed to make customizations to it. Through InCommon, I found a great community that is willing to help you address questions.”
And there will be questions! Sessions like the one Chad will be facilitating at InCommon BaseCAMP 2022 (June 6 – 10) present an excellent opportunity to start answering them. “This is an important topic to cover because there is some complexity to it,” he said. “To be most effective, implementing access management in Grouper requires having a good design for structure and naming conventions from the start so that you don’t need to refactor.”
“Our discussions at BaseCAMP might jump-start thinking about your policy decisions, how they get made, and who makes them, which is also good to have in place right from the start,” he continued.
For Chad, the enjoyment of speaking and teaching about identity and access management comes from connecting with other people and sharing experiences. “There’s always something I can learn from it too,” he said. “It sparks ideas about discussions that you need to have at your own institution.”
“At BaseCAMP, there’s always time allotted for discussion, so you’re not just asking me your question,” he continued. “Another attendee may have an answer to your question. You learn from other institutions and vice versa. It’s your entryway to more knowledge.”
Meet Chad and 20+ speakers at InCommon BaseCAMP 2022!
Fun Facts About ChadFavorite Superhero: Gwenpool (Her power is that she knows she’s in a comic.)How You take Your Coffee: Dunkin flavored Best IAM Advice You Ever Received (& from where): “Create policy groups from reference groups; don’t publish reference groups directly.” (The Grouper Deployment Guide) |