Estimated reading time: 1 minute
By Dean Woodbeck, InCommon Director of Community Awareness
The InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has chartered the IdP as a Service Working Group to explore ways to make it easier for organizations to participate in the InCommon Federation. Specifically, the working group will look at the technical and operational requirements that an IdP cloud-based solution should meet for operating within InCommon.
This is expected to help organizations considering an outsourced IdP, particularly when it comes to purchasing decisions. Mary McKee from Duke University and E.J. Monti from Duquesne University are co-chairing this effort.
The working group has developed a short survey to help understand the priorities and needs of institutions that are interested in such a cloud-based solution. If you are, have, or might consider an outsourced IdP, please take a minute to complete the survey by August 16.