Interest Period Open for InCommon Collaboration Success Program 2023–2024 Cohort
Get IAM Done. Faster. Better. Together. If that sounds like a plan to you, let us know! We’re officially kicking off the expression of interest period for the InCommon Collaboration Success Program (CSP) 2023–2024 cohort. Why go it alone to achieve your IAM goals? CSP can help, and we hope you’ll join us in the next cohort.
Where You Need to Be
Whether you are starting to brainstorm your identity and access management (lAM) roadmap and how the InCommon Trusted Access Platform may fit in – or you’re ready to move your implementation plans forward – CSP is where you need to be. And you’ll be in excellent company. Including this year’s cohort, 30+ research and education organizations have participated in the program, which they give rave reviews:
“The CSP program is a very well-constructed accelerator for moving quickly and getting a lot of knowledge. Joining it was exactly what was needed for where we were in our strategic effort.”
— Bruce Vincent, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (CSP Class of 2021 & 2022)
“It’s been very gratifying to work with people, and I say work because CSP is for practitioners. We’re actually practicing what we’re learning. We’re doing the things that we need to do based on the information we receive when we pose various very specific questions.”
— Kathy Wright, Clemson University (CSP Class of 2022)
How You Will Benefit
Current CSP participant Erik Coleman, IAM architect at the University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, highlighted one of the program’s core advantages. “The greatest benefit is the ability to engage with peer institutions, whether it is to learn, commiserate, or just bounce off ideas with them,” he said. “Although we all have unique requirements and environments, there are a lot of similarities in the higher-ed space. It’s sometimes easier to refactor someone else’s solution to fit your own rather than just staring at a blank page.”
Just as Erik described, CSP participants work together and with community experts to solve their challenges using the community-developed, standards-based software and services that comprise the InCommon Trusted Access Platform. Program benefits include:
- A hosted workbench to model your plans
- Registrations for InCommon software training and BaseCAMP
- Priority access and office hours with InCommon developers and community experts
- DevOps workshops
- Discounted training registration rates and extended access to resources for program alumni
Learn More
Interested in learning more? Hear directly from Erik and his co-panelist, Anne Tacazon, interim business service manager, Identity & Access Management, at the University of Washington, on Wednesday, April 19, at 1 p.m. ET during this month’s installment of IAM Online (our monthly webinar series), “Get IAM Done. Faster. Better. Together.”
Additionally, if you would like more information about this fee-based program, please complete this form by July 17. (This is not a firm commitment; we’ll ask for that later.) We will follow up with you about your plans and fit for the program. Please visit our website for more details, including a timeline, or email training@incommon.org.