By John McCormack, Writer, InCommon
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
We’re just a few weeks away from the 2023 Internet2 Technology Exchange (TechEX), taking place in Minneapolis, September 18–22. Register now.
During the event, Summer Scanlan, a business systems analyst at University of California Berkeley, will offer her perspective during a Lightning Talk entitled “Lived Name: Implementation Considerations.” We asked Summer to offer insight on the importance of her session and what attendees will gain from it and TechEX overall.
Q: What do you hope attendees will learn from your session?
A: I hope folks learn what lived names are and will provide tips and strategies to consider when implementing lived names at your organization.
Q: Why is this an important topic to cover?
A: Our culture and society is changing rapidly as far as lived names and identity are concerned. The University of California has set a deadline of December 31, 2023, for all campuses to implement UC’s Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy. Other universities and organizations will surely follow!
Q: What do you enjoy most about speaking on IAM topics?
A: Sharing tips and tricks and systems and processes!

Fun Facts About Summer
Number of Years in Current Role: 1.8 in IAM
Total Years at Institution/Organization: 17
Number of Times You Have Presented at TechEx: 0!
Best IAM Advice Your Ever Received (& from whom): Never believe the user! Verify! (Mimi Mugler, UCB IAM team – rest in peace, friend)
Q: What’s the #1 reason IAM professionals should come to TechEX/CAMP Week 2023?
A: CAMP is the #1 place to deep dive into the best IAM tools out there. It’s essential training for anyone who wants to learn about identity.

CAMP Out at Technology Exchange!
Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for CAMP Week at TechEX in Minnesota from September 18–22.
Your peers spent months developing stellar sessions like Summer’s that address the most critical issues in identity and access management. You don’t want to miss it!
Register now before rates increase on August 11.
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