By Heather Berry, Writer, InCommon
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Judith Bush, identity and access management (IAM) architect at OCLC (formerly known as the Online Computer Library Center), has presented at the Internet2 Technology Exchange (TechEX) multiple times. She’ll be a copresenter this year in Minneapolis, September 18-22, for the IAM track.
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Judith started her career in the academic biomedical area. After more than two decades at OCLC, her lengthy list of career highlights includes information research, analysis, dissemination, knowledge and content management, vendor management, and competitive intelligence. Within the pharmaceutical industry, Judith has worked as a therapeutic area subject specialist supporting clinical development, R&D, market research, licensing and business development, and regulatory affairs.
Below, Judith offers a preview of “Browser Privacy: Benefit or Threat,” which she will present along with Gary Windham from Cirrus Identity and Scott Cantor of the Ohio State University.
Q: What do you hope attendees will learn from your session?
A: We hope people will understand how aggressively browsers are looking at curtailing the “unsanctioned,” cross-site exchange of information and the value of our community participating in ongoing demonstrations of how these changes affect us.
Q: Why is this an important topic to cover?
A: If browsers were to stop supporting cross-site redirects or POSTs and require switching to a new authentication method, the cost of change in the infrastructure would be significant.

Fun Facts about Judith
Her Favorite Superhero: Groot, because I am fascinated by the many alien powers of the plant kingdom.
Total Years at Institution/Organization: 22
Best IAM Advice She Ever Received (& from whom): Andy Dale pointed me to Kim Cameron’s “Laws of Identity” years ago. These principles still ring true.
Q: What do you enjoy most about speaking on IAM topics?
A: I enjoy participating in working groups that wrestle with these topics.
Q: What’s the #1 reason IAM professionals should come to TechEX/CAMP Week 2022?
A: We are discussing topics affecting your day-to-day operations and envisioning the future for academic interfederation: Some sessions offer solutions to your immediate issues, while others offer a chance to stretch and take in new topics.
Q: Anything else you’d like to add?
A: The community around TechEX and REFEDS is so valuable at every point in your career and at every point in your institution’s journey with federated identity.

CAMP Out at Technology Exchange!
Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for CAMP Week at TechEX in Minnesota from September 18–22. Your peers spent months developing stellar sessions like Judith’s that address the most critical issues in identity and access management. You don’t want to miss it!
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