InCommon community

This community is smart
Driven by challenges
Research and education has smart people who know identity challenges. Why? Because we have the scale that requires creative solutions.
Think about the challenges we face each year. We enable millions of people to access thousands of applications. We bring in a new freshman class each year. We allow collaborators from around the world to share their work and their discoveries. Not a lot of enterprises require this type of scaling. Our community does and we have solutions to manage these identity and access management challenges.
Faculty, scholars and researchers need to work with other individuals located down the street, across the state or in another country. There could be two, dozens, or sometimes thousands of these collaborators. Our community has solutions for the related identity and access management challenges.
Individuals need access to many different types of systems: ERP systems, cloud teaching and learning services, and collaboration technologies – all with different security and access needs. Our community has solutions for these identity and access management challenges.