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Academy midPoint

The Best Way to Get Your Hands On midPoint? Training from InCommon Academy

By Apryl Motley, CAE – Incommon Communications Lead

If you’re trying to determine how best to implement midPoint at your institution, look no further than the upcoming training available from InCommon Academy, April 25 – 28, 2023.  The InCommon Academy’s midPoint Basics Workshop offers a robust hands-on environment. In fact, recent attendees tell us it’s the…

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COmanage Academy

It’s Time You Met Your Match

By Apryl Motley, CAE, InCommon Communications Lead

New COmanage Match Workshop from InCommon Academy In the spirit of “by community for community,” InCommon Academy is pleased to host its inaugural, virtual COmanage Match Workshop on March 30 with support from the University of California, San Diego. UCSD invested its resources to help develop the training…

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Grouper Software

Major Improvements to the Grouper Provisioning Framework

By Chris Hyzer, University of Pennsylvania

It was great seeing many of you at the Internet2 Technology Exchange (TechEX) in Denver in December 2022. We love talking with our community about identity management, Grouper, and everything else too. Shout out to the team at the University of Michigan who presented a terrific TechEX session on…

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Software Shibboleth

Shibboleth Success Story: We Love a Deployment!

By Apryl Motley, InCommon Communications Lead

Tim Hansen When members of the InCommon community achieve their goals, we achieve ours. We love hearing how our training and other resources help research and education institutions overcome obstacles and turn them into opportunities. Recently, we heard from a past attendee of InCommon Academy’s Shibboleth training. He wrote…

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Academy Software

New Year. New Resolve. Get Your IAM in Better Shape.

By Jean Chorazyczewski, InCommon Academy Director

Jean Chorazyczewski, InCommon Academy Director According to a recent Statista Global Consumer Survey, the most common New Year’s resolutions for 2023 among adults (18 – 89 years old) are to exercise more (52%), eat healthier (50%), and lose weight (40%). In other words – living healthier by getting in better…

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COmanage Academy

InCommon Academy Instructor Insights: The Flexibility of COmanage for the Win

By Apryl Motley, CAE - Technical Writer & Communications Lead, Internet2 Trust and Identity/NET+ Services

Just ahead of kicking off our next COmanage Class, June 28–30, we caught up with co-instructors Shayna Atkinson and Laura Paglione, both partners with Spherical Cow Group, to get their take on what attendees can expect from the workshop and what they hope their major takeaways will be. (There’s…

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Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) with Grouper: Questions & Answers

By Chris Hyzer, University of Pennsylvania and Chair of the Grouper Project

Grouper is an enterprise group and access management platform that provides critical features to ensure the right people have access to what they need. Grouper is part of the InCommon Trusted Access Platform, an identity and access management suite of software designed to integrate with existing systems.

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midPoint Academy Software

midPoint Training Early-bird Rates End Soon

April 14, 2021 If you’ve been debating on whether to register for InCommon’s midPoint training, this is the week to jump on board! Early-bird rates expire this week for this training program that consistently receives a score of 4.8 / 5.0 from course participants. midPoint, powered by Evolveum, is…

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Academy Software

Collaboration Success Program – IAM is Better Together!

April 14, 2021 Prefer to work with friends instead of alone? Would it be helpful to have access to InCommon developers and faculty at the tips of your fingers? Looking to dust off your IAM roadmap or maybe you are ready to start to implement your dream solution? The…

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