May 27, 2020
InCommon will offer the third Collaboration Success Program (CSP) cohort starting later this summer. A June 3, 2020, webinar will provide a quick overview of the program and the experiences of two organizations that are just completing the 2020 CSP.
Through the CSP, organizations solve common challenges using the community-developed, standards-based software and services that comprise the InCommon Trusted Access Platform ( The program offers training, consulting with experts, and peer collaboration.
One CSP participant writes: “I appreciate access to the collective intelligence and experience of the community. You can’t buy that from a vendor.”
Randy Miotke, Colorado State University
Lacey Vickery, University of North Carolina – Charlotte
Keith Wessel, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Side sharing and audio via Zoom:
Or join by phone:Dial (US): (669) 900-6833 or (646) 558-8656
Webinar ID: 959-8277-2500
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