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InCommon Academy Announces 2021 Training and Workshop Schedule

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January 8, 2021

The InCommon Academy will offer training sessions for each of the four InCommon Trusted Access Components during the first half of 2021. The third annual BaseCAMP has also been scheduled; BaseCAMP is a workshop geared toward those new to identity and access management or new to the InCommon Federation. Everything will be held online during 2021.

The training sessions take place half days over the course of a week and cover installing, configuring, and getting started with each of the community-built open-source software systems. Training sessions are a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning, ensuring you get the engagement and help you need. For more information about each training session, and to register, please use the links to the appropriate software component below. Here’s the schedule for the first half of 2021.

  • February 8-12, 2021 – Grouper
    Grouper offers management of institutional and personal groups, roles, and permissions for use by project managers, departments, institutions, and end users.
  • February 22-26, 2021 – Shibboleth
    Shibboleth provides single sign-on capabilities for local, distributed, and cloud services
  • March 22-26, 2021 – COmanage
    COmanage is an identity registry with flexible enrollment and lifecycle management capabilities. It can be used as a central person registry, a guest management system, or a collaboration hub for scholarly collaborations.
  • May 11-14, 2021 – midPoint
    midPoint, powered by Evolveum, is a general-purpose identity management and governance system that can synchronize and reconcile among multiple systems of record and sources of identity, as well as provision and deprovision user accounts and groups into services. 
  • June 14-18, 2021 – Shibboleth

BaseCAMP will take place the week of July 12, 2021, providing an introduction to InCommon and the basics of identity and access management. This workshop is for those new to identity management, new to InCommon, or both. BaseCAMP includes:

  • An introduction to the basics of identity and access management  —  whether you manage identities, make resources available to those from other organizations, or both.
  • An introduction to the InCommon Federation, the U.S. identity federation serving education and research.
  • An overview and demonstrations of the community-developed identity and access management suite, the InCommon Trusted Access Platform, and the role it can play in your IAM system.

The InCommon Academy provides expert-led training for the InCommon Trusted Access Platform components, developed by community members and taught by the software developers and implementers. The academy is also the home for BaseCAMP, CAMP, and Advance CAMP.